GOOD MORNING !!! I'm happy for your coming :D If you want to enjoy my blog, you should enjoy it with a cup of tea too! SEE YA

About Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4 The Animation)

Long time I didn't write on my blog :D *so sorry..
Then, I'm sure you have seen the Persona 4 the animation! We know that the animation was adapted from the rpg version by Shin Megami Tensei.
From all characters, the character that I like most is Naoto Shirogane !! *kyaa... so cool! XD* First, I thoght that she was a boy. And after got some information from the game and the manga...she is a real girl... *dissapoint :(
But it's OK. I'm still like her as a girl. I just wanna be fans of you, haha... *lol :P


 Naoto in Persona 4 manga
Yeah, she is a young detective.

Naoto's style in Persona 4 The Animation Opening

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3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

I'm glad you began watching persona 4 and loves naoto(Like me) but.. the 4th and 5th photos aren't Naoto.

Sora Kaitani D'Arc mengatakan...

Thanks for the comment ^^
Well, I hv watched the anime and a hv fixed the post.

Anonim mengatakan...

i love you naoto

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