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Why Mosquito Buzz?

Long time ago, there was a mosquito who was a traveler. He went to many places like dessert, antartica, sabana, jungle, volcano, and many places.
One day, he visited a city in the largest dessert. The city was very hot and the mosquito felt thirsty. He need some water, but there's no oase. So, the mosquito asked to a scorpion, "Do you have any water?" Scorpion answered, "Sorry, I don't. There was no rain for long time."
The mosquito was very thirsty and exhausted. Then, he left the dessert and went to Antartica. The mosquito was cold because Antartica was very cold. It made the mosquito felt hungry. He went around Antartica. But he just found ices in every places. He went further and met a polar bear.
"Do you have any food for me?" asked the mosquito.
"Here, I have some fish, want you?" The polar bear gave some fish to the mosquito.
"No, I don't eat any meat. I'm a vegetarian. Thanks," said the mosquito.
His experiences in dessert and Antartica made him angry. He vowed that he'll not visit both place again.
He went further, further, and further. Finally, he arrived a small city. The city was beautiful. the people were very nice. They served the mosquito nicely.
The mosquito was satisfied by the service. So, he wanted to pay back the service by tell his experiences to the people in the city. He told about his stories in dessert and Antartica. "In the dessert, it was very cold. I was so hungry. But nobody there, I just saw ices. then, I met a scorpion. He said that there was no rain for long time. Then, I went further and found Antartica. There was so hot. I searched for water. But no water there. Then, I met a polar bear. But, he overed me some fish! I thought that the bear was silly, didn't I?"
Then, the people of the city told the story to other peoples of other city. the people who lived there were tried to go to dessert. They went there without brought some water. but they wore thick clothes. When they arrived the dessert, they were surprise because the dessert was very hot and full of sand. Then they went back to their city. They told that the people had been lied by the mosquito. Everybody was so angry.
One day, the mosquito went to other city and asked some water. But, nobody helped him. The mosquito was very thirsty and finally his throat was dried. It made the mosquito couldn't talk normally.
Next, he went to Mr. Owl, the best doctor in that city. But Mr. Owl wouldn't helped him. The mosquito was angry and he stole a drug. Then, he drank it. But, his throat wasn't being better. On the contrary, he couldn't talk anymore, he could buzz only. Actually the drug that he drank was wrong drug.
Finally the mosquito was very angry to all people, he wasn't  a vegetarian like before. Now, the mosquito revenged to the people by sucked their blood. It was the reason why the mosquito buzz and suck people's blood.

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